Michelle Poverman, LMHC, EMP, RMP

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Surrendering To The Teachings Of A Virus

How are you doing? I wanted to share some thoughts on getting through this time in a way that may serve us and perhaps shift the way we may look at this virus.

First, no matter how strong your boundaries are, no matter how incredibly positive you are by nature, if you are a sensitive person you have struggled to some degree. Our collective hearts are breaking as we witness the mass grieving that is happening in our world with COVID19. So please don't add to your suffering by dismissing or judging your response to it.  As I encourage you to embrace a wider perspective on this virus please also know that this is not meant to belittle the pain and trauma that exists.  As a currently on the job mental health therapist, I am in the trenches with some of this pain.  For those of us safe at home right now, I do think understanding the energy of  this COVID virus might just ground us enough to find some balance between fear and surrender. How can you emerge from the wreckage connected to a deeper truth?

The energy of illness ALWAYS asks us to change. The higher the stakes the greater the ask. We/ You are being asked to change.  

  • You are being asked to surrender and let go of your false sense of control and sit in uncertainty. Whoah! This alone is a biggie. This really calls us to get honest about our victim consciousness which says I have no power. Our fear of powerlessness leads to anxiety. Most of us hate feeling out of control. If I could bottle Surrender and put it in a capsule would you take it?  Honestly?  We need to look at our willingness to let go and create peace.  When we can let go of our false sense of control we can be with what is true for us right now. When you start to spin in anxiety ask yourself what is really true right now?  

  • You are being asked to feel and see death and rebirth. We are witnessing death of loved ones and strangers and also the death of a way of life on a ginormous scale. The rebirth will come as we heal. Rebirth is always about love. How are all these endings impacting you? How much are you sharing your raw vulnerable love?  Is this all opening your heart or closing it?

  • You are being asked to look at your scarcity thinking.. Not enough masks, not enough toilet paper, food, cleaning supplies, memes.  You get it. Fear and scarcity are the second waves of virus. It is time to separate from the hive mind. Fear is everywhere.

  • You are seeing a shift of love vs. hate.  The price of hate just sky rocketed.  There is little room for it in order to survive. Shit has gotten real and we are being  humbled and shamed for our hate and divisiveness.  Love is winning.  How quick are you to judge someone else? Take notice.

  • The human race is being humbled.  Animals, plants... the entire planet is just fine with our absence.  We are not the masters.  Mother earth is.

The energy of this virus is awakening us (if you're willing) to how we have been living and asking:

why do you want to be alive?

What are the values you were meant to embody? And how are you meant to share them?

What life purpose and values have been stirring in you? Do you have the guts to say it out loud?

Here are a few tips on how to grow and expand during this time and stay as well as possible. We all know that stress and anxiety do not support a healthy immune system.  So while you gulp down your vitamin C try adding some of this to your daily routine.  

  • Talk to someone.  Find a counselor or coach or healer and let someone hold space for you to unpack all that your holding onto right now.  We need each other and we need to be held right now. Online Telehealth is way better then you think. 

  • Journal. If ever there was a time for you to actually follow through with that goal of journaling...  Your up! Journalling inspires you to go inward.  You can dump and throw (dump all your fears anger etc and throw it away before the pen dries) Feel how good it  feels to be emptied just a bit and reconnected with yourself.  Now you can move onto meaningful exploration.

  • Fill up with gratitude. Yes, I know that its been said but please trust me when I say there is a good reason why its such a hot ticket item.  Filling yourself up with the true emotion of gratitude and holding it for 10 minutes raises your IGG levels ( your immunes system) all day.  Who doesn't want that right now?

  • Meditate and lean in.  It is time to surrender.  When you have that day where one click led you to an all out fear fest on social media which you swore you would not be a part of... Surrender to your pain.  When fear washes over you and there is not enough yoga or meditation in the world to clear it, I am asking you to sit with it.  Cry.  Let it know you are there to hear it and be with it.  Put your hands on your heart and say:  " I love you.”  " I got you." "What do you need from me?"  Then listen.  You must find space and give it to yourself.  If we don't process this or feel it we will wear it. Our Biography is our Biology as Carolyn Myss says. If you are spending all your time avoiding how you are feeling those feelings nestle right into the body.  Alternatively, if you are living in  constant stress you probably already feel the physical ramifications.  

  • Dance.   Moveing your body freely releases so much stress and rigidity.  It clears your entire energy field.  Don't think about it just do it.  Throw on some music and let loose.  Dont stop until your tired or out of breath!

I am giving myself permission to be at peace when at all possible. It doesn't serve anybody to be overwhelmed by everyone else's trauma. While we are collectively experiencing the pain of the world it is ok to find as much solace as possible.  We are going to need you when shit clears.  And when it does, we will hug a little harder and often, dance a little more and be humbled in gratitude for the beauty of what we have missed.  

Take 10 minutes to scan your body from the top of your head to your toes.  Send the message to relax even the tiniest of muscles. Then take a nice slow breath and repeat these Mantras:

I am safe
I am whole
I am grounded
I am peace
I am protected
This is my truth today.

Stay in and be well💜  


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